Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Or go back to the Balfour Declaration. You can always find an earlier cause. The destruction of the Temple.
Yes, it's a mess now. I think the answer has to do with figuring out what Israel can do to make Palestinians want to back someone more moderate than Hamas.
Look at Northern Ireland. There are a lot of key figures on both sides who were closely tied to terrorist acts at an earlier time. Clausewitz said that war was the continuation of politics by other means. Terrorism is too, no?
Stage 1: Law (1948)
Here are the laws. We’ll split the land with you.
Stage 2: Law of War (1967)
We’ll attack you using conventional war methods.
Stage 3: Mindless Negotiations (1980s)
We’ll negotiate, you won’t do so in good faith.
Stage 4: Two State Solution
Bill Clinton has us within a breath of solution. Oh, wait… at the last minute, Mr. Arafat says no?
Stage 5: Here’s Gaza. Good Luck. (2005-Present)
We can’t even… Because it’s clear your rulers don’t want a solution.
Stage 6: Let’s Copy ISIS! (2023)
We’ve tried everything. Sorry about your human shields.
. . .
Israel is not and should not be held hostage to miscreants who do not negotiate in good faith.
And, Hamas’ own charter calls for the destruction of Israel. What the hell does one expect Israel to do? It’s bent over backwards to live in peace and is faced with religious zealots unsatisfied with anything but its destruction.
It has no choice but to do what it’s doing. And to its credit, the Israelis, being good and decent people, who do not revel in the murder of civilians, it is doing so reverently and with extreme regret.