Originally posted by redheaded stepkid
I have talked to some of the other first years and the general feel is that the only people who know are partners or perhaps very senior associates. The perception here is that it would be uncool in a big way to be asking about such things. Is your firm open about this info?
That's because your fellow associates are pussies. Excluding hard numbers, the partners don't care.
It's not about setting up an official meeting with a partner asking for their financials. Next time you're having lunch with your mentor or some other partner, or at the monthly firm "cocktail hour" or summer associate outing, or whatever, just ask one of them casually how partnership works. "I was wondering, what does it mean to make partner: do you buy in, or what? How does that work? Just curious." You aren't likely to get numbers, but you're going to get a better idea of what your firm's structure is than you will here.
Try to think of the question in the abstract: you are interested in a real-world example of how the theoretical structures you learned about in law school play out.