Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Nonsense. Nobody on the Rabid Right gives a shit about Miers' qualifications. The Right's sole concern is the same as the Left's - they don't know how she'll vote on Roe.
The Right's been fucked over by GOP Presidents who put pro-Roe judges on the bench twice already and doesn't want to get fucked again. Stop bullshitting about how you're concerned about her qualifications. You'd put a donkey on the SCOTUS if its trainers could assure you it would vote against Roe.
I disagree. I assume Bush is not telling the truth when he says he has never discussed abortion with him. I also assume that she has told him she is anti-RvW and would overturn it. That's not my litmus test and I think soime of the commentators are making a more principled argument too. She is not qualified. Period. She could promise to overturn Roe v Wade. Pour a couple of bottles of 85 Lafitte Rothschilde down my gullet and blow me till the cows come home, npi, and I still wouldn't support the nominiation. But I understand that it's hard for a leftie to understand principle.