Originally posted by taxwonk
I have never missed the fact that you are in favor of some tax. I just think you are wrong about the best way to levy it. The source of tax revenue has absolutely nothing to do with the people seeing what the government is taxing and what it's spending the revenue on. If you have issues with spending, then address them through the ballot box. Once the deficit is gone (that being the real tax on our children), then we can cut taxes to reduce a govt. surplus.
The current proposals for the estate tax have the exemption level going up to as much as $20 million. The question I have for you is, what is wrong with taxing the people least in need of money (the wealthy dead) at the expense of the people least deserving (those who did not earn it)?
1. My issue with spending and taxing is I want to see it, in plain, undisguised form. Then I can go to the ballot box and make an informed decision. Don't tax me in 8 million ways. Make it one tax and then I can see the affect and vote accordingly.
2. I dispute the did not earn it. A family unit is a cohesive concern. And perhaps the sacrifices of the family members who are not actually named on the paycheck contributed to the person whose name is on it being able to earn it.
3. The problem I with an exemption levels is that the least of the very rich get hit the hardest, while the very very rich can spend a proportionately less amount of their wealth to avoid it completely. Why should the government be creating an incentive for the tax avoidance industry? (or any industry, I am against all govt incentive/distortion as created by a tax code).