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Old 08-01-2005, 11:51 AM   #11
Hank Chinaski
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Roe v. Wade promotes the Culture of life.

Originally posted by Spanky
Penske. Slave and the other Conservatives on the board:

Have you read the book Freakanomics? In the book the author demonstrates pretty conclusive evidence that Roe v. Wade (and the legalization and availability of abortion) led to the dramatic decrease in crime and murders from 1992 onward.

So the type of fetuses that were aborted were the unwanted fetuses. It was these unwanted fetuses if not aborted and became young adults that these were the young adult demographic most likely to commit crimes and more importantly murders.

In addition, when abortion became easily available (the proverbial abortion on demand) infantcide decreased dramatically. In other words when the amount of unwanted pregnancies were reduced the number of mothers that intentionally killed or negligently killed their children reduced significantly.

So woulnd't you have to say that the Roe v. Wade decision significantly enhanced the "culture of life" in this country by

1) reducing the amount of infantcides and negligent infant deaths


2) significantly reducing the murder rate.

All the ones who would have died under #1, did, so no. As to #2, "demographically" figuring out who is likely to do crimes then proactively killing them is a bit out there, don't you think?
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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